Congratulations to the UK Finals Medalists!

In what has been a record-breaking year for Team Wales at the WorldSkills UK National Finals, with 148 competitors making up over 30% of the overall attendance for the competition, the results are in, and a huge congratulations is in order.

Teams from Wales, Scotland, England, and Northern Ireland took part in competitions across 63 disciplines held in colleges around the UK between 9th and 19th November. The battle was on to secure the title of ‘Skill Champion’ in a wide range of competitions, including Welding, Cyber Security and Restaurant Service.

Last month, we announced the record-breaking number of Team Wales competitors taking part in this year’s skills competitions, and we’re proud to announce an equally brilliant number of winners. With 70 medallists in 33 categories, we want to congratulate not only every winner but all competitors!

Winners were crowned in a special ceremony hosted by Channel 4’s Steph’s Packed Lunch presenter, Steph McGovern, from the Packed Lunch studio on Friday 26th November.

Quote from Paul Evans, Project Director at ISEiW

“We’re really pleased with how this year’s competitions have gone. It was a brand-new structure, and one that each of our competitors took in their stride and embraced fully.”

 “I want to say well done to all competitors for taking part and representing Wales, and a huge congratulations to our winners, you should be incredibly proud of yourselves.”

The Inspiring Skills Excellence in Wales team would like to offer their congratulations to all the winners for their amazing achievements and thank all those who took part and their colleges for their hard work.

Instagram: @ISEinWales

Twitter: @ISEinWales

A full list of the winners is available here

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